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152 results:


Rožna dolina, Svetčeva ulica 9, 1000 Ljubljana (01) 242 1000 ŠTUDENTSKI DOM LJUBLJANA, Svetčeva ulica 9, Ljubljana, VAT ID: SI 13258664, represente


Rožna dolina, Svetčeva ulica 9, 1000 Ljubljana (01) 242 1000 ŠTUDENTSKI DOM LJUBLJANA, Svetčeva ulica 9, Ljubljana, VAT ID: SI 13258664, represente

Change of opening hours schedule

Wednesday, June 15 2022


Opozorilo: Neuradno prečiščeno besedilo predpisa predstavlja zgolj informativni delovni pripomoček, glede katerega organ ne jamči odškodninsko ali kako drugače. Neuradno prečiščeno besedilo Pravilnika


SOGLASJE za SEPA direktno obremenitev SEPA Direct Debit Mandate Sprememba Amendment Ukinitev Cancellation ŠTUDENTSKI DOM LJUBLJANA SVETČEVA ULICA 9, LJUBLJANA Referenčna oznaka soglasja - izpolni pr

The restaurant and bar will be closed during the May Day holidays

From 25 April 2022 to and including 2 May 2022.

Release of measures of the use of protective face masks

Use of the protective masks no longer mandatory from 14. 4. 2022 on.

Release of measures in ŠDL

Adherence to general preventive measures for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and cancellation of the Extraordinary Accommodation Instructions at Študentski dom Ljubljana for the preventio
Search results 31 until 40 of 152
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