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The stereotypical perception of gyms from the recent history is that of a space equipped with weight machines and crowded with muscular men. This stereotype has been exceeded  for quite some time now. Gym is much more than just weights and it is by no means intended for those beefy men only. The word 'fitness' is derived  from the English word '(being) fit', which means to be healthy, strong, resilient, capable. The modern trend focuses on the holistic treatment of the body, its functionality and health. At ŠDL, we follow professional trends, which is why we insist on constant updating and equipping of our premises. In addition to weights and weight trainers, the qyms include functional corners, aerobic trainers (bicycles, ellipticals, air bike tracks, etc.), elastics, heavy balls, coordination ladders, etc. They are well equipped for everybody looking for recreation, but also for those who would like to improve any of the motor skills (endurance, strength, coordination, mobility, etc.).

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